Reviews for Chronometree

Jon Yarger - The Progressive Rock Radio Network
Oh My God! I LOVE IT!

Dave Mulloy - Pendragon Merchandising USA

It really took me by surprise to hear the band lay down this side of their musical genius...

Tim Kubit - WITR Night Vision
Glass Hammer have once again raised the standard on their pursuit of total musical excellence with their latest effort, Chronometree.

Album Description
Progressive Rock. Released 2000. Along with Steve Babb and Fred Schendel, Arjen Lucassen of Ayreon and Terry Clouse of Somnambulist are featured on this newest release by the American Progressive Rock Band, Glass Hammer. Als o featured as gue st lead vocalist is Brad Marler. Artist biography: Glass Hammer, a modern-day progressive rock band based in Tennessee, officially began in 1992 when longtime friends Steve Babb and Fred Schendel began writing and recording the Tolkienesque concept album "Journey of the Dunadan". The real origins of the group, however, can be found as far back a s the early days of the 80's. Steve and Fred had yet to meet at that time, but were busy writing and performing with two other friends who would later become members of Glass Hammer -- Walter Moore and David Carter.

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